Monday, September 22, 2008

Have you heard of Dr Wheatgrass Skin Spray

News on Dr Wheatgrass Skin SprayWheatgrass Growing Kits

A Review of Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Electrical Muscle Stimulation, also known as EMS, is a very popular way to shake the muscles and prevent muscle atrophy. Some patients need it desperately, that�s why a lot of doctors use it on a regular basis. EMS is good when the patient has been suffering from strong injuries and is put to bed for a long time. Muscle atrophy can be a consequence of this, so electrical muscle stimulation is the only way for these people to get their muscles strong again.

Electrical muscle stimulation is basically done by stimulating some parts of the body. For this purpose, an electronic device is used, the little electrodes of which are out directly on the body areas that need to be stimulated. A slow tension is then put on the wires, and muscle stimulation is done. By dialing the voltage, you can pick different pressure on the muscles, for creating various effects.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kits

Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Did you know that 1 lb of muscle burns more calories than 1 lb of fat? By focusing on building more muscle, you'll get leaner quicker than if you plug away at a treadmill all day long.

Let's put it this way...

If you cut bread with a saw (weight training) it gets the job done nicely. But if you cut the bread with a saw and then use a finely sharpened knife to make the slides perfect (cardio) you'll get the best of both worlds.
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Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250

2. Polyunsaturated fats (safflower, sesame, sunflower seeds)
View this website for more Info on...
Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250



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