Thursday, November 27, 2008

Lucuma for health

News on LucumaYerba Mate Leaf

In order to add a bit more variety to your routine set one day of the week aside to be your "easy day". This should be a very leisurely session. Consider how good your walks are starting to feel as you continue to lose weight and tone your body.
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Yerba Mate Leaf

Naturally Green Blog - Acne

Dr. C. L. Cruz�s book, 'Dictionary of the Plants Used in Brazil', helped it gain worldwide popularity. There he explained and analyzed all of Cha De Bugre�s positive effects on the human body. He recommends Ch� de Bugre as an excellent diuretic, a weight loss aid and as a general heart tonic that helps to stimulate the blood circulation.

It can also relieve coughs, regulate renal function, reduce uric acid, cure herpes and alleviate rheumatism and arthritis.
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Naturally Green Blog - Acne



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