Saturday, January 24, 2009

Not just A blog about Ginseng

Krisis Amerika, Hyundai Lari ke Ceko

Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:43:52 EDT
Prinsipal dari negeri ginseng ini terpaksa memotong produksinya di pabrikanya di Amerika lantaran kondisi ekonomi yang melemah....

Public Records Act changes suggested - Olympian

Wed, 21 Jan 2009 20:44:00 GMT
Sen. Darlene Fairley says she wants to end the state's Sunshine Committee, dedicated to reviewing what information the government can keep secret, because the results weren't worth ...

News on GinsengNaturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass

Natural Skin Care Treament For Acne
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Naturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass


Many people who already consume Wheatgrass extol the virtues of it being able to help in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Certainly research carried out suggests that a persons diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables can help be preventative maintenance against many illnesses. Plus by consuming Wheatgrass a person is able to increase the vegetable part of their overall diet.

People who have been looking at the process of self-healing have also heard about the benefits of Wheatgrass. Over many years now it has been proven that Wheatgrass juice helps in many ways by cleansing a person�s lymph system, by building up blood, also by restoring the natural balance in a persons body as well as removing toxins from the cells in a body. It has also been found to help nourish both the liver and kidneys and thus restoring a persons vitality.

Consuming 1oz of Wheatgrass juice has the equivalent in vitamins and minerals if you were to consume 2.2lbs of fresh vegetables. The many benefits that Wheatgrass juice provide to us stem from the fact that it is the plants life force and therefore a living food. It is a complete protein and has about 30 enzymes within it as well as containing approximately 70% of chlorophyll in crude form.
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