Thursday, April 03, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic Healing

Holistic HealingAll Natural Energy - 5 Healthy Foods to Eat While On the Go

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you are rushed with work, and can?t fit lunch in? You are not alone! Everyone has them all the time, and they manage them in their own ways whether it is running to the local cafe, stopping by the vending machine, or not eating at all, however, a lot of people seem to push daily meals aside and make crazy headway on their daily errands. It is very important to not skip meals, so here are five ways to eat healthy while on the go:

1. Go for the fruit?It?s loaded with nutrients.

Fruit is a hop, skip, and a jump away from eating, say, potato chips or a chocolate bar as a quick snack. Fruit contains natural sugars that give your body raw energy. These raw sugars stimulate your brain and give you the ability to think faster and recall things quicker. Fruit also contains a lot of water. Your body is 80% water so in essence you are feeding your body with what it needs. What I personally like about fruit is that it is loaded with nutrients and is incredibly filling. Try an orange, apple, or banana, as they are great on-the-go fruits that will fill you up and travel well in your bag before you run out the door in the morning.

2. Cereal?Not just a breakfast food anymore.

While pouring your morning bowl, grab a baggie and throw in some dry cereal for a great late afternoon snack. It is important to note, choose cereals low in sugars like Life, Raisin Bran, Grape Nuts, Cheerios, etc. Dry cereal is low-calorie and is a good source of fiber (look for cereals with over three grams of fiber). Fiber fills you up and can tide you over until dinner time. If possible, select a cereal that is whole-grain as it helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Crackers?Can?t go wrong here.

Crackers, although many might say they are plain, are another great snack to eat on the go before your next appointment. It doesn?t matter what kind of crackers you eat?whole grain, multi-grain, graham, or animal?all these crackers are healthy for you, in moderation. Don?t bring the whole box with you in the car, because if you are like me, the whole box will be gone before I even got home. Like cereal, grab a bag and put five or six crackers in, along with some great cheese (Cabot is my favorite) if you have it. Cheese and crackers is a great pair that provides a balanced snack for the morning or late afternoon.

4. Yogurt?Don?t forget the spoon.

Yogurt is a delicious snack that now comes in an array of flavors, with different toppings like granola and crushed Oreos. Try to avoid these toppings, as they are added fat and calories with no real nutritional benefit. Yogurt is great because it has fruit in it and it is loaded with potassium, protein, and calcium. Yogurt is also known to boost your immune system, so if you?re sick, grab some yogurt and eat away?it?s healthy for you!

5. Energy Bars?Not all of them are candy bars.

Alot of energy bars out on the market are literally candy bars?loaded with fat and unneeded calories. In looking for an energy bar, you should look for one that is all natural, meaning that is has no preservatives, which does mean a shorter shelf-life, however, that means the product is more likely to be fresh. Also, look for energy bars with a lot of protein and fiber, a healthy combination and balanced snack requirement. If you would like to know what you are eating, look for energy bars that have familiar ingredients, like ones you could find in your kitchen cabinet. Do you know what potassium pyrosulfite is? I didn?t think so. Go with what you know.

If you do choose to skip a meal, it is very important to at least have a healthy, nourishing snack to hold you over until your next meal. Try your hardest to resist the fast-food places and candy aisles at the grocery stores. It will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Copyright Michael Adams 2007. All rights reserved.

Michael Adams, Owner and Founder of Eddie's Energy Bars, resides in Richmond, VT where his all natural, homemade energy bars are manufactured. Michael is a firm believer in being healthy and staying active. He is currently a freshman at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI. Head on over to to have Eddie's Energy Bars sent right to your door before you head outside!

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There are of course precaustions to follow in Aromatherapy, however, there are factors that make it very enjoyable, easy to obtain, and the satisfaction of quick and natural relief available. You may already know of some home remedies that worked and are passed down from family history. If it worked then, it should still work now.

Modern medicine does have it place for severe complications and illness, however, you can do something to aid healing from diseases and discomforts. Unfortunately, modern medicine does not see eye-to-eye with Aromatherapy, yet our forefathers did leave a record of plants and their uses to help with rashes. soothing nerves as well as aiding our bodies natural defenses to combat illness.

Now that being said, essential oils have to be used with care. Toxic reactions such as rashes, liver damage, and/or seizures can result depending on family history. Therefore every batch of essential oil must be mixed with one of the listed carrier oils to prevent this from happening. Carrier oils such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, and hazelnut oil.
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