Monday, January 12, 2009

Natural Supplements for health

Natural SupplementsRussia declares gas monitoring deal void - Guardian Unlimited

Sun, 11 Jan 2009 20:27:00 GMT
Associated Press Writer= SUDZHA GAS METERING STATION, Russia (AP) — Teams of EU monitors deployed Sunday at natural gas transit sites along Ukraine's vast pipeline network ...

From wrapping the ice-cap in blankets to moving the Earth further from ... - Daily Mail

Sat, 10 Jan 2009 09:08:00 GMT
Can the world be saved from global warming? Opinion about the state of our planet is fiercely divided - at one end of the spectrum there are the gloom-mongers who are convinced we ...

Holistic RemediesOral Care - Oral Health


Many people pay insufficient attention to

oral care
. This is probably partly because good

oral hygiene
takes effort; it is something we
have to commit time to every day, and we are often short of time. Maintaining

good oral hygiene
is one of the most important
things you can do for your teeth and gums.

Healthy teeth
not only enable you to look and
feel good, they make it possible to eat and speak properly. Good oral health is
important to your overall well-being. Daily preventive care, including proper
brushing and flossing, will help stop problems before they develop and are much
less painful, expensive, and worrisome than treating conditions that have been
allowed to progress.

Many foods that you eat cause bacteria in your mouth to produce acids. Plaque
also produces substances that irritate gums, making them tender and bleed
easily. If neglected the gums may pull away from the

. Pockets form and fill with bacteria and
pus. Eventually the bone around the teeth can be destroyed and make the tooth
loose and need to be removed. The foods that you eat come in contact with the
germs and bacteria that live in the mouth. If you don't brush, plaque will
accumulate on the teeth. Plague thrives on the starches and sugars that are
found in a great deal of foods. When plaque combines with the sugars and
starches, an acid is produced that attacks tooth enamel and eventually causes
decay. According to the American Dental Association, the acid attacks the teeth
for 20 minutes or more.



go a long way toward keeping your
teeth and gums healthy and your breath fresh. A good

may be a part of your

oral care
routine, particularly if you have
occasional or chronic bad breath. Be sure to use a product that reduces oral
bacteria that cause bad breath, rather than just using something to temporarily
mask the smell. Many

also help to reduce the buildup of
plaque on the teeth, and fight gum disease Food particles left lodged between
teeth and in pockets and grooves in the

oral cavity
, and mineral deposits allowed to
build up on tooth surfaces, lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath.
Sugary foods in the diet, use of tobacco products, and other habits can
contribute to these conditions. There's no doubt that a good program of

oral care
to minimize these factors is worth
the extra effort - the old adage is true: "an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure."


These are the simple
steps that you can do to maintain your

good oral health


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