Saturday, January 24, 2009

Not just A blog about Goji Berry

HealthWeight Control Diet Success - Part Two

Setting yourself up for weight control diet success takes more than just trying one more diet. Choosing the right diet is important, but even before you do that, it?s a good idea to take an honest look at why you eat too much in the first place.

With such a high percentage of people in the Western world becoming dangerously overweight, it seems clear that the human body just naturally desires certain unhealthy foods. If you understand why you eat too much, you?ll be able to take control of the situation and make better choices. And that will lead to weight loss and better health.

Most of the snacks and fast food that are available today were specifically designed to make the most of (should we say ?prey upon??) our instinctive desire for sugar, fat and salt.

Humans have a digestive system that requires the nutrients in fruit, and our metabolism needs a certain amount of fat in order to stay healthy. When humans were evolving millions of years ago, finding ripe fruit and catching a wild animal took a lot of energy and planning ? it was hard work!

Evolution equipped our systems with the ability to ?reward? our brains for doing the work of finding fruits and catching game. The reward comes in the form of powerful feel-good chemicals that are released into our brains whenever we eat sweet or fatty foods.

This reward system worked just fine for millions of years, before the invention of machinery that can remove and refine the previously scarce sugars, starches and fats from natural foods, and package the resulting product into affordable, high-energy/high-calorie snacks and convenience foods.

You already know that you need more fruits and vegetables, a balanced diet, and more exercise if you?re going to be healthy. But when you have an opportunity to make the choice between a healthy meal and a convenient, fattening snack, you often ignore your knowledge of good nutrition and choose the snack instead - especially when you?re under stress.

This is particularly true if you have become physically addicted to fattening foods that containing large amounts of refined starch, sugar and fat.

Drug addicts know about the phenomenon called ?stinking thinking.? This is how they describe the thoughts that pop into their brains when they let their guards down. These thoughts suggest, insist, and plead for a hit of the addict?s favorite drug.

If the addict is not aware of where these thoughts are really coming from, he?ll act on the thought, and stay addicted.

Exactly the same thing happens to people who compulsively eat the wrong foods. When they least expect it, a nagging thought pops into their mind, suggesting that there may be one more chocolate chip cookie in the cupboard.

Or perhaps it will say that you ?deserve? a treat because you were so good today.

Or it may even propel you to the supermarket to buy a bag of chips to eat while you?re watching a movie on TV.

These thoughts are so compelling that many people are completely unable to say ?no? to them.

Understanding the addictive aspects of processed foods is important ? because this knowledge can help you take control of your food choices. Once you?re really in control, you can stay on your chosen diet and successfully control your weight.

Learn what it takes for weight control diet success. Are you ready to take an honest look at the why you eat too much? If so, visit

Goji Berry ReviewsBee Pollen

7. You heard this twice, Start slow! Fasting or losing weight too quickly can actually lead to increased level of uric acid and worsen your gout symptoms.
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