Tuesday, April 08, 2008

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HealingMale Libido - The Ultimate Diet For Higher Libido PART 1

Sexual drive and libido is maintained by an active mind in a healthy body and your body works as whole not in isolation.

To increase libido the following diet should be eaten and you can top up with essential supplements.

Some are not associated with peak sexual performance but their vital, let?s look at them.

A healthy diet First

We will look at nutrients and supplements individually in a bit, but here is a good example of general diet you should eat.

Base it on legumes, grain products, and other complex carbohydrates, with plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Eat as naturally as you can and avoid saturated fats and processed foods

Alcohol & Smoking The Affects

First the obvious avoid these passion killers:

Alcohol also has an action similar to the female hormone estrogen. This can have a devastating effect on masculinity, causing impotence and shrinking of the testes.

Smoking has a devastating affect longer term on the arteries.

It promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the penile vessels and at the same time constricts them, preventing blood flow.

You need to cut down or stop now and that goes for recreational drugs


Nearly 50% of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts; men lose selenium in their semen.

Getting enough selenium is therefore critical for sexual performance. In recent decades selenium deficiency in adults has increased and if you don?t have balanced diet take a supplement.


Zinc is required for the production of testosterone and zinc content in the prostate gland and sperm is higher than in any other tissue in the body.

A deficiency of zinc is associated with several sexual problems, including sperm abnormalities and prostate disease.

Zinc also helps produce testosterone and helps to maintain semen volume and levels of testosterone; this of course helps to maintain sex drive.


Magnesium is a trace mineral that is important for the production of sex hormones, such as androgen and estrogen and neurotransmitters that modulate the sex drive such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

Vitamin A
Helps regulate the synthesis of the sex hormone progesterone.

Vitamin B1
Thiamin (B1) is essential for nerve transmission and energy production throughout the body this means it's essential for sex.

Vitamin C

Participates in the synthesis of hormones that are involved in sex and fertility: androgen, estrogen and progesterone.

Vitamin E

Often referred to as the sex vitamin, it protects cell membranes from free-radical damage and is required for the synthesis of hormones and hormone like substances known as prostaglandins.

These are two supplements you should consider regardless of diet, there great for improving sexual performance.

L argentine

This nutrient is highly important for peak sexual performance and is a non essential amino acid and is nicknamed natures Viagra and with good reason.

Current studies support the use of argentine supplements to ensure that nitric oxide secretion is sufficient to keep blood flowing to the penis and help nitric oxide levels stay high.

Nitric oxide insufficiency can stop the penis from becoming erect.

In 1994 a test carried out showed an 80 percent improvement in the erectile function of men given just 2.8 grams a day of argentine after just two weeks.

L Tyrosine

Supports and assists neurotransmitters in the brain.

When the body is stressed out, aged, depressed or tired the availability of L-Tyrosine is depleted.

L-Tyrosine supplementation helps reduce stress, enhances mood, which manifests itself in better erectile function.

In the next part of this article we will add 3 fantastic herbs that can enhance mood and sex drive and are healthy for you.

If you are healthy the above diet combined with the herbs we outline are sure to increase your performance and stamina without the help of synthetic drugs.


On all aspects of how to get more from sex and relationships and everything to do with sexual well being visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html

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Recent information on Himilayan Goji Berrys

Himilayan Goji BerrysDaily Vitamins

Daily vitamins are essential for your healthy mind and a healthy body. If your body is feeling good, you are getting a good supply of vitamins. Most vegetables that are not cooked are going to supply you with a good dosage of vitamins, and every vegetable has a different amount of various vitamins. If you are not eating vegetables and fruits that are uncooked, you may be losing out.

Vegetables and fruits that are processed and cooked, are going to lose their vitamins and you will be eating foods that are 'not as good' as they could be as if they were fresh. This is where vitamins become important for your body and for a healthy future.

Daily vitamins are detailed by the food and drug administration, in matters about how much you should take, and use daily. While it is difficult to determine just how much you are getting from the foods you eat, you can look at the labels on boxes, containers and cans and find out just how much vitamins, and what type of vitamins are in the foods that you eat. You will find that some foods have no C vitamins, while others have C vitamins but do not include the use of B vitamins. All the vitamins detailed by the food and drug administration are important to fighting disease and for a healthy future.

The food and drug administration also reviews the vitamins and nutrients that are included in the medications you purchase. Some medications include the use of vitamins and minerals, and nutrients so you know what you are eating, taking into your body, and in case you need a supplement for certain vitamins if you are taking a medication.

Do you know how many vitamins are in the apple you are eating? Do you know how many vitamins are in the bowl of ice cream that you had last night? If you do not know if any vitamins were in that food, you need to start, reading labels are re-evaluating what you eat and your daily habits. Think about daily vitamins and improving your life by purchasing vitamins online and increasing your fight against sickness and disease.

About the Author:

Roger Thompson writes Health Related Articles and Jobs for The Number one healthcare Job site He also advises consumers on online products.

Himilayan Goji BerrysExotic juice packs a punch - Vernon Morning Star

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:08:30 GMT

Vernon Morning Star

Exotic juice packs a punch
Vernon Morning Star, Canada - Mar 30, 2008
A Vernon-born businesswoman is hoping to bring the benefits of a Himalayan fruit to Canadian consumers with her new juicing business. The goji berry ...

Exotic juice packs a punch

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 00:00:00 CST
A Vernon-born businesswoman is hoping to bring the benefits of a Himalayan fruit to Canadian consumers with her new juicing business. The goji berry ...

News on Himilayan Goji BerrysEczema

The rate of metabolism during our old age is not quite the same as it was during the time of our youth. Surely you remember those days when you could eat just about anything at any time, and still weight the same ! well, those days are far behind. But no sweat, there is still hope. Not to forget that we live in an age, where we want instant solutions to every problem, and we seem to forever looking for a magic pill which will sort out all problems at once. And there are millions of such pills available which promise just that.
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Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)

If you're looking to build a base for yourself before getting into heavy lifting, push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups can greatly increase your level of fitness. Try to do three sets of these exercises every other day, giving your body the opportunity to rest and rebuild. After a few months, you should note a remarkable difference in your physique; your arms, chest, and abs should all be much more refined even after a small period of time. Once you feel that you've reached the limit of what you can gain from these exercises, it may be a good idea to invest in a weight-lifting bench and some free weights. If you can't afford to get new equipment, it can be a good idea to look in the classified ads. Many people begin to work out in the home but fail to follow through on the plans, giving you ample opportunity to get some rarely-used equipment for a much cheaper price. Online auctions represent another viable opportunity when it comes to purchasing your own equipment.
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Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)

Maca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.

Here are some facts to reveal how common back pain is. Back pain in the U. S. currently accounts for approximately 50-60% of pain complaints for workers. It is surprising to note that it does not matter what type of job you hold. Whether you are a factory worker to a professional, you are equally susceptible to back pain as your colleague.

Back pain not only afflicts the working population in general, but there are other causes for pain as well. Degenerative diseases like osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect more of the female population. Spinal cord injuries resulting from accidents are another leading cause to back pain.
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Maca Powder - Organic Peruvian Maca Powder.

Hemp Deodorants
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