Thursday, December 18, 2008

A blog about Pulpa Acai Powder

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Independent, The (London) - Food & drink notes

Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:00:00 GMT
April 21, 2007 -- Berry good Every year sees another, miraculous, even-better-for-you wonder food. Currently Acai berries are at the top of the charts. Part of the...

Independent, The (London) - Food & drink notes

Sat, 21 Apr 2007 07:00:00 GMT
April 21, 2007 -- Berry good Every year sees another, miraculous, even-better-for-you wonder food. Currently Acai berries are at the top of the charts. Part of the...



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More Great Health Resources.

Reviews of Dr Wheatgrass Skin SprayOther Herbal Superfoods

Diet is probably the biggest reason. Many of us eat and drink high acid producing foods such as animal products and soft drinks and don�t eat and drink enough alkaline producing foods such as fresh vegetables. On top of that, we eat many processed foods like sugar, refined carbohydrates and cooked oils and drink acid producing beverages such as coffee, alcohol and soft drinks. Artificial sweeteners, such as NutraSweet, Equal and Aspartame are an ingredient in many products and are extremely acidic.

Symptoms of Excess Acid:

- Arthritis - Headaches
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Other Herbal Superfoods

Wheatgrass Juice

Health is wealth, no matter how much of a clich� this may sound. Having a good disposition and a positive outlook in life depend on how well you maintain your health. This is why you must ensure you get all the essential nutrients that will support your good health. Taking nutritional multivitamin supplements is a good way to go.
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Wheatgrass Juice


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