Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kola Nuts for health

Kola NutsDW Book: The Eyeless

Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:07:41 EDT
... hrasebook, the bag of kola nuts, the yo-yo, a collection of coins from a dozen different planets, the everlasting matches, the TARDIS key and everything else of his. Bit of a cop out at the end there!...

Things To Do In Mali On Mondays

Tue, 30 Dec 2008 05:34:34 EDT
... fish, bananas, tomatoes, peppers, small local onions, peanuts, watermelons, kola nuts, oranges, carrots and goats all jostle for space....


Wed, 14 Jan 2009 22:29:12 GMT

Daily Mail

Daily Mail, UK - Jan 14, 2009
TRY: Ayurvedic herb gotu kola. This works to reduce water retention (which can cause baggy eyes), increase circulation and encourage lymph drainage, ...

Taboos In Ile-Ife - The Guardian - Nigeria

Sat, 17 Jan 2009 04:27:25 GMT

Taboos In Ile-Ife
The Guardian - Nigeria, Nigeria - Jan 16, 2009
Also, the above Lelu compounds must not share white kola-nuts or kola-nuts that need to be peeled before eating with anybody. This was because members of ...

Kola Nuts ReviewsHeart Attacks

I hope that you find these simple, yet effective, kidney stone prevention tips useful! If you know the pain associated with kidney stones, you will know that lifestyle changes need to take place. There are also many more prevention tips available in our Natural Remedy for Kidney Stones Report. And finally, are you currently suffering from a kidney stone that hasn't passed? Please try our guaranteed natural home-remedy (only two ingredients needed) (will work in hours) to pass the kidney stone! Many doctors and nurses are recommending this remedy to their patients to avoid surgery! You can also find this remedy and many more in our report.
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Heart Attacks

P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

Your Dog's Dietary Requirements Will Vary With Age
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P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping

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Natural Healing Info

Reviews of Dr Wheatgrass SupershotsTanita Alcohol Sensor

Ok, Ok, I am just kidding���I have all kinds of ideas.
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Tanita Alcohol Sensor

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Lose Those Last 10 Pounds with L-Carnitine
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Other Herbal Superfoods

Fish Is Good For You

Cold water fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines contain omega-3 fats. These fats are essential but they cannot be produced by the body, and must be obtained from foods. Fish is also a good source of protein low in calories and saturated fat. Try a tuna sandwich next time you have lunch!
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Other Herbal Superfoods

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