Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Spirulina for nutrition

SpirulinaFoods and Diets Litigations

Foods and Diets Litigations

 by: Laura Ciocan

Why is that food processing and commerce are not strictly regulated by law so as to prevent health problems generated by an inadequate diet? Unhealthy products encourage an unhealthy diet, appealing the consumer by their availability within reach and the invading advertising. If the food producers are controlled by health officials, then it must be that the regulations are too lax in as far as marketed foods are concerned.

Everyone knows that, for instance, hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils are highly unhealthy. Tons of studies and informative material have been published, yet there is a population segment that still falls into traps saying that margarine is a "healthier alternative for butter, full of vitamins", when in fact the trans-fatty acids it contains surpass the "healthy benefits" it offers. For this particular case, all foods containing hydrogentated oils (if the law allows their production, though it shouldn't) should have a health hazard warning (like those on the cigarette packs), saying something like "This product contains trans-fatty acids that increase the risk of heart disease". Thus, people would be constantly reminded of the bad effects of such products on health.

Generally, when it comes to foods and dieting, people should be advised of the potential inconvenience that might occur due to some ingredients or the way the food is prepared.

Take for instance the case of the release of so many diets that are not documented, not officially controlled and approved, promissing great things but not being explicit about the great problems they generate. Such as the very popular Atkins, for instance, which is a real danger to health.

I wondered why such anti-health practices are not forbidden? Oh, pardon me! Why should I wonder? It's obvious: in an ever growing pragmatic course of events, the industrial interests have overpassed the interest for the health of people.

At this point, the role of the well-informed consumer is decisive for his own health. And if people are not fully convinced by so many scientific studies, informative articles and materials, then they surely become when finding out of the multitude of lawsuits against food producers (such as Kraft Foods Inc, the producers of Oreo cookies), fast food chains (McDonald's) or promoters of diets (such as the Atkins diet).

The producers of the popular Oreo cookies, Kraft Foods Inc were sued in 2003 by the attorney Stephen Joseph, who based his accusations on a provision of the civil code of California saying that manufacturers are liable for products if the consumer is not advised of the products' unsafety. He rightfully claimed that the public was not aware of the high content of trans-fats in Oreos. He declared that he sued out of concern for the public health and that no money was requested in the lawsuit, which he finally withdrew, explaining that the publicity on this case had made people aware of the health risks enhanced by the product. Anyway, if the lawsuit was intented as bad publicity for the Oreos, the aim was not reached, as Kraft Foods Inc will continue to produce Oreos in a trans-fat free version.

Another famous case of litigation is the suit from 2002 against McDonald's. The lawsuit was filed by the lawyer Samuel Hirsch on behalf of some obese children. The lawer sustained that the fast food producer mislead the consumers into believing that the products were healthy and safe and claimed that the children developed health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity because of eating McDonald's products. The suit was dismissed on the grounds that no one is forced to eat at McDonald's and that the law has not the role to moderate individuals' excesses.

A recent date "diet trial" is going on in Florida. The suit was filed by 53-year-old Jody Gorran against Atkins Nutritionals on May 26, 2004. The plaintiff claims that after going on Atkins diet his cholesterol level increased so much that he needed angioplasty in order to unblock an artery. In addition to financial damages, there is also the request that the company warns the public of the potential dangers of a diet favoring meats, cheeses and other high-fat proteins by labeling their products. The sequel is yet to come.

Even if some of these lawsuits started out of reasons beyond humanitarian, (as for instance the chase for money from damages that such important companies would pay) they have a positive result, namely, the publicity around such cases arises questionning, gives people the idea of doubt, the "assumption of guilt".

About The Author

Laura Ciocan writes for http://www.dietsindex.com/ where you can find more information about diets.

Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: mailto:lauracio@gmail.com


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Small Steps vs. All or Nothing Approach to Diet and Fitness

As I begin writing this article, I am feeling quite positive about the exercise and eating plan I will begin tomorrow. Of course, tomorrow is Monday, the only day of the week that seems to be the right time to start a new program.

My plan always starts out the same way�sometime in the middle of the week I start to feel unmotivated and out of shape due to the bad habits I�ve been practicing. As the negative habits continue, those feelings progress to feeling downright fat. I make a pact with myself that next week will be it � the week I put all of those bad habits behind me and start anew. In the meantime, I�ll have a few �last meals� before getting serious about my plan.
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Although making sure that all of these certifications are present is no guarantee of a trouble-free experience, NOT having these certifications means that both the doctor performing plastic surgery, as well as the people who run the facility, have a serious lack of regard for your health and well being! You should NEVER use an uncertified plastic surgeon or facility. The risk is simply not worth it.
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Lets talk about Dried Lavender

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Natural breast enlargement is an exciting phenomena that many women wanting better breasts are whirling to as alternatives to breast augmentation surgery. The first rule for larger success if you want to attain real and noticeable breast enlargement is to select the right product. There are a skid of cheap, watered down herbal formulas out there right now that are a disappointing stoppage to most of their users. Make sure you know the formula you take has at slightest a resonable success rate.

There is no one natural breast enlargement formula that mechanism on all women. Think of it as a medication. Not all medications have the same property on all people, therefore the extensive variety of brands and formulas available. Every person's body is different, and their body will answer differently to herbs and natural breast enalargement formulas, and take different amounts of time to answer positively.

Ask yourself a few simple questions to determine if you fully understand the concepts that we have went over so far.
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Natural SupplementsHow to Compare Low Cost Health Insurance in Oregon

Oregon has an excellent health care system; in fact, one of the best in the nation according to U.S. government figures, but regardless of how good the system is at saving and prolonging life, the fact is that Oregon?s heath care, like health care everywhere in this nation, is expensive.

In fact, according to figures released by the Oregon Department of Insurance, almost half of all citizens of Oregon find health care costs a financial burden and fully one quarter of all adults in Oregon report spending up to twenty-five percent of their monthly income on health care.

Clearly for the majority of people something has to be done to bring down the cost of staying well.

The most formidable weapon at the consumer?s disposal is knowledge. Become knowledgeable about health care and your health care choices. Go online and compare policies and prices ? the difference in cost for the same basic policy from one company to another can be truly staggering.

Before going online sit down and figure out what you and your family need out of a health care plan. What is important to you ? and what isn?t? Are doctor?s visits more important than hospital stays? Are prescriptions more important than visits to the emergency room? Do you need a policy that covers you when you travel? Do you have a new baby ? or are you expecting one in the next year?

Write your answers down on a piece of paper and play around with them when filling out your online comparison forms. Remember, when you are looking for low cost health insurance here in Oregon there are bound to be trade-offs. Don?t expect to find the perfect policy ? unless you can afford a high premium or your needs are simple.

And of course the main trade-off that many people use to create an acceptable health policy at a price they can afford is their deductible. This is money you have to pay from your own sources for your health care needs before your insurance begins to pay. The greater your deductible the lower your monthly insurance premium.

Health insurance is costly, there?s no getting around that ? but if you spend some time online and ask some tough questions of yourself, the answers you come up with just might make health insurance a lot more affordable than you ever thought possible. The key is to compare low cost health insurance plans side-by-side until you find the one that?s right for you.


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5. Feel your feelings.

Be anxious. (Don't eat.) Be sad. (Don't eat.) Be afraid. (Don't eat.) Be angry. (Don't eat.) If you use eating as an alternative to feeling you are most likely going to be overweight. The sooner you feel your feelings the sooner they will subside.

6. Stop expecting things "out there" to change so you can feel better.
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